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We are passionate Jesus followers who exist to connect people to God’s promise of Life by helping them to Know God, Find Freedom, Discover their Purpose, and Make a Difference.

Let us help you and your family connect to God's promise for your life!


Playing For Keeps Pt 4: Life Owes Me
Playing For Keeps pt 3: How To Bust Lust
Playing For Keeps Pt. 2: Getting Anger Under Control
Playing For Keeps pt 1: Repentance

Take Your Next Step

Contact Us

New to Family Life Church? Want to learn more about making a decision to follow Jesus? Have a prayer request or need spiritual counseling? Use the digital Connect Card to enhance your faith journey and help connect your family to life!

Fill Out A Digital Connect Card

Join A Life Group!

Life Groups are small groups of people who get together to hang out, discuss questions based off the sermon, and grow closer to God. Each of the 3 semesters are about 8 weeks long.

Check Out Life Groups!

Join The Team!

Join the pastors in a class that teaches you about Family Life Church's vision and how to be a part of the Family Life Church team!

Learn About Connect Point

Get Baptized!

Let the world know you have decided to follow Jesus! We believe that baptism is a public declaration of your faith in Jesus Christ and we would love to include you in this ancient tradition!

Learn More About Baptisms!

Plan Your 1st Visit

When Are Your Services?
When Are Your Services?
We have 3 identical Worship Gatherings for you and your family at 8:30, 10:00 and 11:30am. Each experience lasts around 65 minutes and features contemporary Christian worship, an engaging down-to-earth sermon, and an afterparty! We recommend arriving at least 10 minutes early before each service.
What Do You Offer For Kids?
What Do You Offer For Kids?
We offer incredible next-generation ministries for all age groups! On Sundays, we offer engaging nursery, prek, and elementary-aged ministries so your child can learn in an age-appropriate environment. The Elementary and Prek Ministries are available only during our 10 & 11:30 gatherings. Nursery services are available all 3 service times. Our Youth Ministry meets on Wednesday nights at 6:30 in the main auditorium and lasts til 8pm and includes a small group time, to build relationship, and a large group time with a message and worship.
We believe the Bible is the Word of God, that Jesus is the Son of God, and that Salvation is through Jesus alone. Our church is affiliated with the Assemblies of God fellowship (AG). You can view a complete list of our beliefs and positions by clicking on the Bible icon above or going to Feel free to use the contact us link above with any questions.
We believe that the greatest growth happens though relationship and offer multiple options for discipleship. Throughout the year we meet midweeks in Groups. Some groups are built more around community where others offer college-level seminary classes. To learn more about groups, click the icon above.

Meet the Pastors

Our Location

We are located on the SW side of Ocala, about 10 minutes from Marion Oaks, On Top Of The World, and Heathbrook and directly next door to Hammett Bowen Elementary School. Look for our signs on Sunday mornings directing you to our meeting location. Just type "Family Life Church Ocala" into any map app on your phone and you will find us.

Address: 4325 SW 95th Street Ocala, Fl 34476

Where We Came From And Where We're Going

Family Life Church was placed on Pastor Charles' heart in the early 2000's. After much prayer, Charles and his family started Family Life Church, meeting in a hotel banquet hall for 11 years. In 2016, our congregation was able to relaunch, debt-free, with our own facility, where we currently meet. From the beginning, the vision has been the same, to be a church that reaches people far from God and connecting them to the LIFE that God has for them. As we continue to grow, our objective is to multiply and plant churches in other communities around central Florida that need a life-giving, family-focused, church.